York Wing Chun Kung Fu

Wing Chun Kung Fu

Traditional Chinese Boxing for the modern age. Fast, efficient and effective. Dynamic and fun fitness training for women and men of all ages. The York Kung Fu Association has been helping both women and men of all ages achieve their fitness and assertive goals for over nine years. Our program helps you to realize greater fitness, speed, stamina, agility and alertness through the holistic study of Wing Chun Kung Fu. Classes are friendly, informal and taught in a structured way with regular gradings to help you progress.

New starters always welcome into all sessions, so if you would like to find out if Wing Chun is for you contact Sifu John Bates for more information and book a free session in one of our classes!

Training Times and Venue

Training classes are held every week at York Steiner School in Fulford. See our contact page for more details.